基于全基因组关联分析解析玉米籽粒大小的遗传结构 |
渠建洲, 冯文豪, 张兴华, 徐淑兔, 薛吉全 |
Dissecting the genetic architecture of maize kernel size based on genome-wide association study |
QU Jian-Zhou, FENG Wen-Hao, ZHANG Xing-Hua, XU Shu-Tu, XUE Ji-Quan |
图6 54个高表达的候选基因编码蛋白互作网络 节点表示蛋白, 连线表示蛋白之间的互作关系。红色表示候选基因, 其他颜色表示候选基因编码蛋白的互作网络。 |
Fig. 6 Protein-protein interaction networks of 54 highly expressed candidate genes The node indicates the proteins, and the line indicates the interaction between proteins. Red color indicates candidate gene encoded proteins, and the interactive proteins in different networks are distinguished by different colors. |
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