水氮减量对地膜玉米免耕轮作小麦主要光合生理参数的影响 |
徐龙龙, 殷文, 胡发龙, 范虹, 樊志龙, 赵财, 于爱忠, 柴强 |
Effect of water and nitrogen reduction on main photosynthetic physiological parameters of film-mulched maize no-tillage rotation wheat |
XU Long-Long, YIN Wen, HU Fa-Long, FAN Hong, FAN Zhi-Long, ZHAO Cai, YU Ai-Zhong, CHAI Qiang |
图4 不同耕作措施和水氮减量模式下小麦旗叶的SPAD值 NT: 地膜玉米免耕; CT: 传统耕作; I2: 传统灌水(2400 m3 hm-2); I1: 传统灌水减量20% (1920 m3 hm-2); N3: 传统施氮(225 kg hm-2); N2: 传统施氮减量20% (180 kg hm-2); N1: 传统施氮减量40% (135 kg hm-2)。误差线表示标准差(n = 3)。 |
Fig. 4 SPAD values of flag leaves of wheat under different tillage practices and water-nitrogen decrement patterns NT: no tillage with plastic mulching; CT: conventional tillage with plastic mulching; I2: conventional irrigation (2400 m3 hm-2); I1: reduced 20% irrigation (1920 m3 hm-2); N3: conventional nitrogen application (225 kg hm-2); N2: reduced 20% nitrogen (180 kg hm-2); N1: reduced 40% nitrogen (135 kg hm-2). The error bar indicates standard error (n = 3). |