王洋洋, 贺利, 任德超, 段剑钊, 胡新, 刘万代, 郭天财, 王永华, 冯伟

Evaluations of winter wheat late frost damage under different water based on principal component-cluster analysis
WANG Yang-Yang, HE Li, REN De-Chao, DUAN Jian-Zhao, HU Xin, LIU Wan-Dai, GU Tian-Cai, WANG Yong-Hua, FENG Wei
图4 低温胁迫对冬小麦叶片qpFv/FmFv/Fo的影响
W0: 不灌水处理; W1: 灌水处理。
Fig. 4 Effects of low temperature stress on leaf qp, Fv/Fm, and Fv/Fo in winter wheat
W0: without irrigation treatments; W1: irrigation treatments.