陈新宜, 宋宇航, 张孟寒, 李小艳, 李华, 汪月霞, 齐学礼

Effects of water deficit on physiology and biochemistry of seedlings of different wheat varieties and the alleviation effect of exogenous application of 5-aminolevulinic acid
CHEN Xin-Yi, SONG Yu-Hang, ZHANG Meng-Han, LI Xiao-Yan, LI Hua, WANG Yue-Xia, QI Xue-Li
图3 干旱及外源ALA处理对不同抗旱性小麦叶绿素荧光参数和光合参数的影响
数据为3次重复的平均值±标准差, 图中不同字母表示品种内处理间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。CK: 正常供水; Drought: 干旱处理; D+A: 干旱处理之前用外源ALA预处理。
Fig. 3 Effects of drought stress and exogenous ALA on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and the photosynthetic parameters of different drought-resistant wheat cultivar
Data are means ± standard deviations of three replicates. Different letters indicate significant difference among treatments within each cultivar at P < 0.05. CK: normal water supply; Drought: water deficit treatment; D+A: exogenous ALA pretreatment prior to water deficit treatment.