张海燕, 解备涛, 姜常松, 冯向阳, 张巧, 董顺旭, 汪宝卿, 张立明, 秦桢, 段文学

Screening of leaf physiological characteristics and drought-tolerant indexes of sweetpotato cultivars with drought resistance
ZHANG Hai-Yan, XIE Bei-Tao, JIANG Chang-Song, FENG Xiang-Yang, ZHANG Qiao, DONG Shun-Xu, WANG Bao-Qing, ZHANG Li-Ming, QIN Zhen, DUAN Wen-Xue
表6 功能叶生理性状与抗旱系数的相关分析
Table 6 Correlation analysis of physiological characteristics of functional leaves and drought resistance coefficient
年份Year 生育期
Growth stage
Chlorophyll content of functional leaves
Relative water content of functional leaves
Relative electrical conductivity of
functional leaves
对照Control 干旱Drought 对照Control 干旱Drought 对照Control 干旱Drought
2012 40 DAP 0.45 0.61* 0.27 0.58* -0.15 -0.52*
60 DAP 0.42 0.61* 0.20 0.62* -0.17 -0.55*
80 DAP 0.41 0.58* 0.05 0.73** -0.29 -0.63*
100 DAP 0.15 0.62* 0.19 0.65** -0.26 -0.59*
2013 40 DAP 0.30 0.52* 0.41 0.62* -0.18 -0.47
60 DAP 0.10 0.47 0.43 0.60* -0.19 -0.51
80 DAP 0.49 0.72** 0.37 0.63* -0.25 -0.59*
100 DAP 0.46 0.66** 0.31 0.64* -0.24 -0.56*