LI Chen-Chen1,2, HOU Lei1, YIN Liang3, ZHAO Jin-Feng2, YUAN Shou-Jiang3, ZHANG Wen-Hui1,*, LI Xue-Yong2,*
1 School of Life Science, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, China
2 National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resource and Genetic Improvement / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
3 Shandong Rice Research Institute, Jinan 250100, China
图3 α-淀粉酶诱导响应实验及幼苗总GA含量测定 A: α-淀粉酶诱导响应实验。GA+: 添加了1 µmol L -1 GA 3 ; GA-: 未添加GA 3 。B: 日本晴与 s2-47 突变体幼苗总GA含量5次重复平均值±标准误差, ** 表示突变体 s2-47 与野生型的差异极显著 P ≤0.01。
Fig. 3 GA induction of α-amylase and quantitative measurement of GA concentration in s2-47 and WT A: GA induction of α -amylase in s2-47 and WT. GA+: with GA 3 1 µmol L -1 treatment; GA-: without GA 3 treatment; B: Total GA content of the wild type and s2-47 seedlings mean ± SD , n = 5. Asterisks indicate significant difference at P ≤0.01 compared with the wild type by t -test.