高虹, 李飞飞, 吕国依, 夏英俊, 王嘉宇, 孙健, 唐亮, 徐正进*
沈阳农业大学水稻研究所 / 农业部东北水稻生物学与遗传育种重点实验室 / 北方超级粳稻育种教育部重点实验室, 辽宁沈阳110866
GAO Hong, LI Fei-Fei, LÜ Guo-Yi, XIA Ying-Jun, WANG Jia-Yu, SUN Jian, TANG Liang, XU Zheng-Jin*
Rice Research Institute / Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture / Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Super Rice Breeding, Ministry of Education, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
图2 中国东北粳稻与日本粳稻品质性状的差异 不同大小写字母分别表示差异达到1%和5%显著水平。
Fig. 2 Differences of rice quality characters of rice cultivated in Northeast China and Japan Base renperecriled by different uppercase and lowercase letters ane significantly different at 1% and 5% probability levels, respectively.