广谱稻瘟病抗性基因Pigm 和Pi2 的抗谱差异及与Pi1 的互作效应
于苗苗1,2,3, 戴正元1, 潘存红1, 陈夕军2, 余玲1, 张晓祥1, 李育红1, 肖宁1, 龚红兵3, 盛生兰3, 潘学彪2, 张洪熙1, 李爱宏1,* |
Resistance Spectrum Difference between Two Broad-Spectrum Blast Resistance Genes,Pigm andPi2 , and Their Interaction Effect onPi1
YU Miao-Miao 1,2,3, DAI Zheng-Yuan 1, PAN Cun-Hong 1, CHEN Xi-Jun 2, YU Ling 1, ZHANG Xiao-Xiang 1, LI Yu-Hong 1, XIAO Ning 1, GONG Hong-Bing 3, SHENG Sheng-Lan 3, PAN Xue-Biao 2, ZHANG Hong-Xi 1, LI Ai-Hong 1,*
图1 目标基因近等基因系的构建 A: 目标基因BC 4 F 2 世代的选择, 绿色箭头示目标个体M: DL2000 DNA标准分子量; P1: 受体亲本; P2: 供体亲本; L1~17: BC 4 F 2 世代不同基因型个体; B: 标记选择为阳性的株系进行苗瘟接种验证, 红色箭头示携带目标基因的抗性株系, 白色箭头示感病轮回亲本; C: 携带目标基因的株系叶片呈现过敏性坏死病班抗性表型; D: 轮回亲本叶片呈现感病表型。 Fig. 1 Construction of NILs carrying target genes A: choosing of target genes in BC 4 F 2 generation, and green arrows indicate target individuals M: DL2000 DNA marker; P1: donor parent; P2: recipient parent; L1-17: Individuals with different genotypes in BC 4 F 2 generation. B: positive lines were inoculated on seedling stage, and red arrows show the resistant lines carrying target genes, while white arrows indicate susceptible parents. C: line carrying the target gene shows resistant phenotype. D: recurrent parent shows susceptible phenotype. |