广谱稻瘟病抗性基因Pigm 和Pi2 的抗谱差异及与Pi1 的互作效应
于苗苗1,2,3, 戴正元1, 潘存红1, 陈夕军2, 余玲1, 张晓祥1, 李育红1, 肖宁1, 龚红兵3, 盛生兰3, 潘学彪2, 张洪熙1, 李爱宏1,* |
Resistance Spectrum Difference between Two Broad-Spectrum Blast Resistance Genes,Pigm andPi2 , and Their Interaction Effect onPi1
YU Miao-Miao 1,2,3, DAI Zheng-Yuan 1, PAN Cun-Hong 1, CHEN Xi-Jun 2, YU Ling 1, ZHANG Xiao-Xiang 1, LI Yu-Hong 1, XIAO Ning 1, GONG Hong-Bing 3, SHENG Sheng-Lan 3, PAN Xue-Biao 2, ZHANG Hong-Xi 1, LI Ai-Hong 1,*
图2 Pigm 与 Pi2 的抗谱比较及与 Pi1 的互作 A: Pigm 与 Pi2 的抗性频率差异; B: Pigm 与 Pi2 的抗谱重叠度; C: Pigm 、 Pi2 分别与 Pi1 的抗谱重叠度; D: Pigm 、 Pi2 分别与 Pi1 聚合后的互作效应。 Fig. 2 Comparison of resistance spectrum between Pigm and Pi2, and pyramiding effect of PigmPi1 and Pi2Pi1 A: difference of resistance frequency between Pigm and Pi2 ; B: overlapping degree of resistance spectrum between Pigm and Pi2 ; C: overlapping degree of resistance spectrum between Pigm and Pi1 or Pi2 and Pi1 ; D: pyramiding effect of Pigm Pi1 and Pi2 Pi1 . |