解志伟1,2, 孙伟3, 尹亮3, 赵金凤2, 袁守江3, 张文会1,*, 李学勇2,*

Phenotypic and Genetic Analyses of a Novel Adaxially-Rolled Leaf Mutant in Rice
XIE Zhi-Wei1,2, SUN Wei3, YIN Liang3, ZHAO Jin-Feng2, YUAN Shou-Jiang3, ZHANG Wen-Hui1,*, LI Xue-Yong2,*
图 3 卷叶突变体 s1-145 和野生型剑叶生理指标 A: s1-145 和野生型剑叶叶绿素含量; B和C: s1-145 和野生型剑叶的光合速率和蒸腾速率。数值=平均值±标准误差, n = 5。**表示野生型与突变体相比在 P
Fig . 3 Physiological parameters of the flag leaf in wild type and s1-145 mutant A: chlorophyll content of the s1-145 and WT flag leaves; B and C: photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of the wild type and s1-145 mutant flag leaves. Value = mean ± SE, n = 5. **Represents significantly different at P