解志伟1,2, 孙伟3, 尹亮3, 赵金凤2, 袁守江3, 张文会1,* , 李学勇2,* |
Phenotypic and Genetic Analyses of a Novel Adaxially-Rolled Leaf Mutant in Rice
XIE Zhi-Wei 1,2, SUN Wei 3, YIN Liang 3, ZHAO Jin-Feng 2, YUAN Shou-Jiang 3, ZHANG Wen-Hui 1,* , LI Xue-Yong 2,*
图 4 内卷叶突变体 s1-145 的基因定位图谱 上排为初步定位结果, 下排为精细定位结果。横线上方为定位标记, 横线下方数字代表交换单株个数和遗传距离。 Fig . 4 Gene mapping of the adaxially-rolled leaf mutant s1-14 5 The upper row shows the primary mapping result, while the lower is the fine mapping result. The characters above the line represent the markers used, while the numbers below the line represent the number of recombinants and genetic distance, respectively. |