陈玉梁1,2, 石有太2, 罗俊杰2,* , 李忠旺2, 厚毅清2, 王蒂1,* |
Effect of Drought Stress on Agronomic Traits, Quality, and WUE in Different Colored Upland Cotton Varieties (Lines)
CHEN Yu-Liang 1,2, SHI You-Tai 2, LUO Jun-Jie 2,* , LI Zhong-Wang 2, HOU Yi-Qing 2, WANG Di 1,*
图2 干旱胁迫下不同棉花品种系籽棉产量的变化 标以不同小写字母的柱值同一品种不同处理间差异显著 P Fig. 2 Changes of the seed cotton yield of different cotton cultivarslines under drought stress Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly by different at 0.05 probability level. A: normal irrigation; B: stress irrigation; C: no irrigation. |