杨艳歌1,2, 吕维涛2, 孙冬梅1,* , 凌毅3,* , 邓馨2,* |
Database Mining, Bioinformatics, Cloning, and Expression Analyses of D Subfamily bZIP Genes in Maize
YANG Yan-Ge 1,2, LÜ Wei-Tao 2, SUN Dong-Mei 1,* , LING Yi 3,* , DENG Xin 2,*
图1 玉米D亚族bZIP蛋白保守结构图及保守基元的序列logo 左图为玉米D亚族bZIP蛋白的结构, 右图为由MEME工具自动生成的玉米D亚族bZIPs的保守基元的序列logo。 Fig. 1 Structure and sequence logos of the conserved domains of D subfamily bZIP transcription factors in maize Conserved domain structure of maize D subfamily bZIP factors is in the left panel; the sequence logos of the conserved motifs revealed by MEME is in the right panel. |