杨艳歌1,2, 吕维涛2, 孙冬梅1,* , 凌毅3,* , 邓馨2,* |
Database Mining, Bioinformatics, Cloning, and Expression Analyses of D Subfamily bZIP Genes in Maize
YANG Yan-Ge 1,2, LÜ Wei-Tao 2, SUN Dong-Mei 1,* , LING Yi 3,* , DENG Xin 2,*
图4 拟南芥和玉米D亚族bZIP蛋白进化树及玉米D亚族 bZIP 基因外显子-内含子组织结构图 蓝色框表示外显子, 直线表示内含子。绿色和红色箭头分别表示起始密码子和终止密码子。 Fig. 4 Phylogenetic tree of D subfamily bZIP from maize and Arabidopsis and the exon-intron structures of maize bZIP genes Blue boxes indicate exons. Line between boxes indicate introns. Green and red arrows represent initiation and termination codons, respectively. |