卢敏, 张登峰, 石云素, 宋燕春, 黎裕* , 王天宇* |
Overexpression of a Stress Induced Maize NAC Transcription Factor Gene,ZmSNAC1, Improved Drought and Salt Tolerance inArabidopsis
LU Min, ZHANG Deng-Feng, SHI Yun-Su, SONG Yan-Chun, LI Yu * , WANG Tian-Yu *
图4 干旱胁迫对转基因植株与野生型株系脯氨酸含量的影响 自然干旱处理1周后野生型拟南芥及转基因株系体内脯氨酸含量的统计结果。OX-5和OX-7: ZmSNAC1 过表达转基因株系, WT: 野生型株系。星号表示野生型和转基因之间差异为显著* P P Fig. 4 Effects of drought stress on proline content in the transgenic and the WT plants The columns represent the relative proline content of the WT and the transgenic lines after 1-week drought treatment. OX-5 and OX-7: ZmSNAC1 transgenic plants over-expressing ZmSNAC1. * and ** represent significantly difference between the transgenic line and the wild-type wild-type at P |