张伟, 赵婧, 邱强, 王曙明, 张春宝, 闫晓艳*, 赵丽梅*, 张鸣浩, 张伟龙, 樊慧梅

Canopy Physiology and Characteristics of Yield Components during Reproductive Stage in Soybean Hybrids
ZHANG Wei, ZHAO Jing, QIU Qiang, WANG Shu-Ming, ZHANG Chun-Bao, YAN Xiao-Yan*, ZHAO Li Mei*, ZHANG Ming-Hao, ZHANG Wei-Long, FAN Hui-Mei
图9 R7期大豆籽粒占生物产量比例 柱上小写字母不同表示在0.05 水平上差异显著。
Fig. 9 Ratio of grain weight to biomass of soybean at R7 stage Bars superscripted by different lowercase are significantly different at P