高春华1,2 , 于振文1, 石玉1,* , 张永丽1, 赵俊晔3 |
Characteristics of Water Use and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in Different High-yielding Wheat Cultivars under Supplemental Irrigation Based on Soil Moisture
GAO Chun-Hua 1,2 , YU Zhen-Wen 1, SHI Yu 1,* , ZHANG Yong-Li 1, ZHAO Jun-Ye 3
图1 基于籽粒产量和水分利用率的品种聚类图 I: 超高产高水分利用率组; II: 超高产中水分利用率组; III: 高产低水分利用率组。 Fig. 1 Dendrogram of wheat cultivars based on grain yield and water use efficiency I: super-high yield and high WUE group; II: super-high yield and medium WUE group; III: high yield and low WUE group. |