李伟1,2, 申家恒2,*, 郭德栋3

Ultrastructure of Synergid in Its Degenerative Process in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris)
LI Wei1,2, SHEN Jia-Heng2,*, GUO De-Dong3
图版III A, B: 图版II中图F的局部放大, 示宿存助细胞的胞质Bar = 500 nm。C: 受精前的宿存助细胞Bar = 5 μm。 D: 图C的局部放大, 示宿存助细胞的胞质Bar = 500 nm。
Plate III A, B: Higher magnification of Figure F in Plate II, showing cytoplasm of the persistant synergid Bar = 500 nm. C: Persistant synergid before fertilization Bar = 5 μm. D: Higher magnification of Figure C, showing cytoplasm in persistant synergid Bar = 500 nm.