冯烨1,2,3,*, 郭峰2,3,*, 李宝龙2,3, 孟静静2,3, 李新国2,3,*, 万书波2,3,*

Effects of Single-seed Sowing on Root Growth, Root-shoot Ratio, and Yield in Peanut (Arachis hypogaca L.)
FENG Ye1,2,3,**, GUO Feng2,3,**, LI Bao-Long2,3, MENG Jing-Jing2,3, LI Xin-Guo2,3,*, WAN Shu-Bo2,3,*
图1 单粒精播对花生根系长度和平均直径的影响 S1: 19.5万穴 hm -2 ; S2: 22.5万穴 hm -2 ; CK: 对照, 15.0万穴 hm -2 。虚线表示拟合方程曲线; r : 相关系数; *表示在0.05水平差异显著; ns: 无显著差异。
Fig. 1 Effects of single-seed sowing on root length and diameter of peanut seedlings S1: 195 000 holes per hectare; S2: 225 000 holes per hectare; CK: the double-seed sowing 150 000 holes per hectare as control. Dotted line: curve of fitted equation; r : correlation coefficient; *: significantly different at the 0.05 probability level; ns: not significant.