刘荣榜1,2, 陈明2,*, 郭萌萌2, 司青林2, 高世庆3, 徐兆师2, 马有志2, 尹钧1,*

Characterization and Functional Analysis of a Small GTP-binding Protein AtRAB Interacting with H+-pyrophosphatase AVP1 inArabidopsis thaliana
LIU Rong-Bang1,2, CHEN Ming2,*, GUO Meng-Meng2, SI Qing-Lin2, GAO Shi-Qing3, XU Zhao-Shi2, LI Lian-Cheng2, MA You-Zhi2, YIN Jun1,*
图3 高渗、盐、干旱胁迫下 AVP1 和 AtRAB 在拟南芥地上部分和根中的表达
Fig. 3 Expression of AVP1 and AtRAB in aerial parts and root under osmotic, salt, and drought stresses