李静静1,2, 李从锋2,* , 李连禄1, 丁在松2, 赵明2,* |
Effect of Straw Mulching on Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture and Spring Maize Yield under Seedling Strip Subsoiling
LI Jing-Jing 1,2, LI Cong-Feng 2,* , LI Lian-Lu 1, DING Zai-Song 2, ZHAO Ming 2,*
图3 不同秸秆覆盖在各生育时期不同土层的温度变化 100SC: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 100SP: 覆盖量为100%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; 50SC: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆粉碎覆盖; 50SP: 覆盖量为50%, 秸秆直接压倒覆盖; CK: 无秸秆覆盖。I: 播种; II: 苗期; III: 拔节期; IV: 大喇叭口期; V: 开花期; VI: 花后20 d; VII: 收获期。 Fig. 3 Soil temperature at different depths and growth stages in different straw mulching treatments 100SC: 100% chopped straw mulching; 100SP: 100% prostrated straw mulching; 50SC: 50% chopped straw mulching; 50SP: 50% prostrated straw mulching; CK: without any straw mulching. I: sowing; II: seedling; III: jointing; IV: the 12th leaf; V: anthesis; VI: 20 d after anthesis; VII: harvesting. |