王丽君, 李芸, 王存凯, 陶洪斌, 王璞, 廖树华*

Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Effects of Nitrogen on Summer Maize Varieties at Different Stages
WANG Li-Jun, LI Yun, WANG Cun-Kai, TAO Hong-Bin, WANG Pu, LIAO Shu-Hua*
图1 各生育阶段氮素效应下日均干物质积累量理论值与实测值的拟合分析 a: 三叶至拔节期; b: 拔节至大口期; c: 大口至吐丝期; d: 吐丝至成熟期
Fig. 1 Relationship between simulated and observed values of mean daily dry matter acquisition under the effect of nitrogen in different growth stages a: from three leaves to jointing stage; b: from jointing to flare opening stage; c: from flare opening to silking stage; d: from silking to maturation stage.