吕世奇, 寇一翾, 杨彬, 曾军, 赵长明*

Phenotypic Traits and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) in the Semi-arid Area
L#cod#x000dc; Shi-Qi, KOU Yi-Xuan, YANG Bin, ZENG Jun, ZHAO Chang-Ming*
图1 菊芋各品系光合速率 P n 随光照强度PAR和胞间CO 2 浓度 C i 的变化 黑色三角代表高产品系, 白色三角代表低产品系。
Fig.1 Changes of net photosynthetic rate with different photosynthetically active radiation and intercellular CO 2 concentrations in Jerusalem artichoke lines Black triangles represent high yield lines, white triangles represent low yield lines. P n : photosynthetic rate; PAR: photosynthetically active radiation; C i : intercellular CO 2 concentration.