韩娟1,2 , 廖允成2, 贾志宽1,2,* , 韩清芳1,2, 丁瑞霞1,2 |
Effects of Ridging with Mulching on Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat in Semi-humid Drought-Prone Region in China
HAN Juan 1,2 , LIAO Yun-Cheng 2, JIA Zhi-Kuan 1,2,* , HAN Qing-Fang 1,2, DING Rui-Xia 1,2
图2 2007-2010年冬小麦生育期0~20 cm、20~100 cm、100~200 cm土层土壤水分动态变化 误差线代表LSD P 0.05。S: 播种期; T: 分蘖期; J: 拔节期; H: 抽穗期; F: 灌浆期; M: 成熟期。P1: 垄上覆盖地膜+沟内不覆盖; P2: 沟内覆盖小麦秸秆; P3: 沟内覆盖液体地膜。 Fig. 2 Dynamic changes of soil water storage in 0-20 cm, 20-100 cm, and 100-200 cm layers during different growth stages in 2007-2010 Error bars are the LSD at P 0.05. S: sowing stage; T: tillering stage; J: jointing stage; H: heading stage; F: filling stage; M: maturity stage. P1: the ridge was covered with common plastic film and the dent was bare; P2: the ridge and the dent was covered with wheat straw; P3: the ridge and the dent was covered with degradable film. |