王兴春1,2,#cod#x0002A; , 王敏1, 季芝娟3, 陈钊4, 刘文真3, 韩渊怀2, 杨长登3,#cod#x0002A; |
Functional Characterization of the Glycoside Hydrolase Encoding GeneOsBE1 during Chloroplast Development inOryza sativa
WANG Xing-Chun 1,2,#cod#x0002A; , WANG Min 1, JI Zhi-Juan 3, CHEN Zhao 4, LIU Wen-Zhen 3, HAN Yuan-Huai 2, YANG Chang-Deng 3,#cod#x0002A;
图1 OsBE1 基因克隆和结构分析 A: OsBE1 电泳图, M为分子量标记Trans2K Plus II, 1和2为 OsBE1 。B: OsBE1 基因结构示意图, 虚线表示非转录区, 长方形表示UTR和外显子, 实线表示内含子。 Fig. 1 Gene cloning and structure analysis of the OsBE1 gene A: PCR products of the OsBE1 gene. M: Trans2K Plus II marker, 1 and 2: OsBE1 ; B: Schematic representation of the OsBE1 gene. No transcriptional region, exons and introns are represented by dash lines, filled boxes and lines, respectively. |