王兴春1,2,#cod#x0002A; , 王敏1, 季芝娟3, 陈钊4, 刘文真3, 韩渊怀2, 杨长登3,#cod#x0002A; |
Functional Characterization of the Glycoside Hydrolase Encoding GeneOsBE1 during Chloroplast Development inOryza sativa
WANG Xing-Chun 1,2,#cod#x0002A; , WANG Min 1, JI Zhi-Juan 3, CHEN Zhao 4, LIU Wen-Zhen 3, HAN Yuan-Huai 2, YANG Chang-Deng 3,#cod#x0002A;
图3 不同植物BE1氨基酸序列多重比对 OsBE1水稻、SiBE1谷子和ZmBE1玉米为单子叶植物BE1蛋白; AtBE1拟南芥、CsBE1黄瓜和SlBE1番茄为双子叶植物BE1蛋白。#cod#x0002A;为BE1中保守氨基酸, 箭头指示的为单双子叶植物中不同的氨基酸, 氨基酸上面的字母表示在淀粉分支酶SBEI和SBEII中保守而与BE1不同的氨基酸。 Fig. 3 Multiple sequence alignment of BE1 proteins in different species OsBE1 rice, SiBE1 foxtail millet, and ZmBE1 maize are BE1s in monocots; AtBE1 Arabidopsis, CsBE1 cucumber, and SlBE1 tomato are BE1s in dicotyledon. #cod#x0002A;: conserved amino acids in BE1 proteins. The amino acids different between monocot and dicotyledon are marked by arrows; the letters on the amino acids indicate the amino acid conserved in SBEI and SBEII, but different from BE1. |