Development and Characterization ofAcAMP-sn Transgenic Wheat with Enhanced Resistance to Wheat Take-all
YANG Kun, LIU Xin, DU Li-Pu, YE Xing-Guo, ZHANG Zeng-Yan*
图5 接种全蚀病菌21 d后转 AcAMP-sn 基因与受体小麦扬麦18中该病菌相对丰度的半定量RT-PCR a和Q-RT-PCR b分析 WT为未转基因的扬麦18; 其他为转 AcAMP-sn 基因株系。 ** 转基因株系与WT有极显著差异 P Fig. 5 Relative abundance of Ggt in AcAMP-sn transgenic wheat lines relative to that in untransformed Yangmai 18 via semi RT-PCR a and Q-RT-PCR b at 21 d after inoculation WT is the untransformed Yangmai 18, and other lines are AcAMP-sn transgenic lines. ** Significantly different between AcAMP-sn transgenic line and WT at P