邢小萍 , 袁虹霞, 孙君伟, 张洁, 孙炳剑, 李洪连* |
Resistance to Two Species of Cereal Cyst Nematode and Evaluation Methods in Major Wheat Cultivars from Henan Province, China
XING Xiao-Ping  , YUAN Hong-Xia, SUN Jun-Wei, ZHANG Jie, SUN Bing-Jian, LI Hong-Lian *
图1 不同评价方法鉴定小麦品种对 Heterodera avenae 荥阳群体a和 Heterodera fili p jevi 许昌群体b各类抗性水平比例 A: 室内人工接种单株孢囊数评价法; B: 室内人工接种RRI评价法; C: 田间病圃单株孢囊数评价法; D: 田间病圃相对病情指数法; E: 繁殖系数法孢囊密度; F: 繁殖系数法卵密度。HR: 高抗; MR: 中抗; R: 抗; 中感: MS: 中感; S: 感; HS: 高感。 Fig. 1 Percentages of various resistance degrees of wheat cultivars to Heterodera avenae Xingyang population a and He t e - rodera filipjevi Xuchang population b evaluated by different methods A: Based on number of cyst per plant inoculated in greenhouse; B: Based on relative resistance index RRI in greenhouse; C: Based on cyst number per plant in field trail; D: Based on RRI in field trial; E: Based on P f P i ratio density of cysts in soil before growing and after harvest; F: Based on P f P i ratio density of eggs in soil before growing and after harvest. HR: highly resistant; MR: moderately resistant; R: resistant; MS: moderately susceptible; S: susceptible; HS: highly susceptible. |