马娇, 任德勇, 吴国超, 朱小燕, 马玲, 桑贤春, 凌英华, 何光华* |
Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of a Marginal Albino Leaf Mutantmal in Rice
MA Jiao, REN De-Yong, WU Guo-Chao, ZHU Xiao-Yan, MA Ling, SANG Xian-Chun, LING Ying-Hua, HE Guang-Hua *
图2 野生型WT和 mal 突变体各时期光合色素含量 A: 苗期野生型WT和突变体 mal 叶片光合色素含量; B~D: 抽穗期野生型WT和突变体 mal 剑叶、倒二叶、倒三叶光合色素含量。E~H: 抽穗期野生型WT和突变体 mal 倒二叶边缘、倒三叶边缘、倒二叶中部、倒三叶中部叶片光合色素含量。Chl a: 叶绿素a; Chl b: 叶绿素b; Total Chl: 叶绿素a+b的总量; Car: 类胡萝卜素。**表示在0.01水平上差异显著。 Fig. 2 Photosynthetic pigments contents of wild type WT and mal mutant at different stages A: photosynthetic pigments contents of the mal mutant and the wild type WT at seedling stage; B-D: photosynthetic pigments of the flag, second, and third leaf respectively in the mal mutant and the wild type at heading stage. E-H: photosynthetic pigments of margin of the second and third leaf, middle green part of the second and third leaf respectively in the mal mutant and the wild type at heading stage. Chl a: chlorophyll a; Chl b: chlorophyll b; Chl a+b: content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b; Car: carotenoids. ** Significantly different at P 0.01 by t -test as determined by t -test. |