付景1,2 , 刘洁1, 曹转勤1, 王志琴1, 张耗1, 杨建昌1,* |
Effects of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation during Grain Filling on the Seed-Setting Rate and Grain Weight of Two Super Rice Cultivars
FU Jing 1,2 , LIU Jie 1, CAO Zhuan-Qin 1, WANG Zhi-Qin 1, ZHANG Hao 1, YANG Jian-Chang 1,*
图5 结实期干湿交替灌溉对超级稻根系总吸收表面积A, B、活跃吸收表面积C, D和比表面积E, F的影响 CI: 常规灌溉; WMD: 轻干-湿交替灌溉; WSD: 重干-湿交替灌溉。 Fig. 5 Effects of alternate wetting and soil drying during grain filling on total root absorption area per plant A, B, root active absorption area per plant C, D, and root specific surface areaE, F of super rice CI: conventional irrigation; WMD: alternate wetting and moderate soil drying; WSD: alternate wetting and severe soil drying. |