李霞, 张吉旺*, 任佰朝, 范霞, 董树亭, 刘鹏, 赵斌

Yield and Lodging Resistance of Summer Maize under Different Winter Wheat- Summer Maize Tillage Systems
LI Xia, ZHANG Ji-Wang*, REN Bai-Zhao, FAN Xia, DONG Shu-Ting, LIU Peng, ZHAO Bin
图1 不同耕作方式对夏玉米茎秆伤流速率的影响 时期VT和R3分别代表抽雄期和乳熟期。其他缩写同表1。
Fig. 1 Effects of different tillage treatments on quantity of bleeding sap in stalk of summer maize VT: tasselling stage; R3: milking stage. Other abbreviations are the same as given in Table 1.