姜妍1,2,** , 吴存祥1,**, 胡珀1, 侯文胜1, 祖伟2, 韩天富1,* |
Morphological and Anatomic Characteristics on Terminal Raceme Development of Soybean Varieties with Different Stem Termination Types
JIANG Yan 1,2,** , WU Cun-Xiang 1,**, HU Po 1, HOU Wen-Sheng 1, ZU Wei 2, HAN Tian-Fu 1,*
图4 光周期对中黄13茎顶发育的影响 A: 出苗后12 d, 短日照处理的顶芽开始分化出花序原基, 并有小花原基的生成; B: 出苗后16 d, 短日照处理的花序上分化出许多小花原基, 呈现明显的花序结构; C: 出苗后20 d, 短日照处理的花序已分化完毕; D: 出苗后28 d短日处理的小花中的胚珠已形成, 花粉母细胞处在四分体时期; E和F: 长日照处理下, 在出苗后12 d和18 d, 茎顶芽仍处在营养分生组织阶段。AM: 叶腋分生组织; ARP: 茎顶花序原基; C: 心皮; FP: 花原基; O: 胚珠; SAM: 茎顶分生组织; TLP: 三出复叶原基。Bar: 100 #cod#x003bc;m. Fig. 4 Effects of photoperiod on the stem apex development of Zhonghuang 13 A: the apical raceme primordium produced in the shoot tip at 12 days after emergence under short day treatment, and floral primordium produced in the axilla; B: many floral primordia produced in the terminal raceme at 16 days after emergence under short day treatment, to form terminal raceme structure; C: the terminal racemes developed at 20 days after emergence under short day treatment; D: the ovule developed at 28 days after emergence under short day treatment. the pollen mother cell was at the tetrad stage; E and F: the shoot tip was vegetative bud at 12 days and 18 days after emergence under long day treatment. AM: axillary meristem; ARP: apical raceme primordium; br C: carpel; FP: floral primordium; O: ovule; SAM: shoot apical meristem; TLP: trifoliolate leaf primordium. Scale bar: 100 #cod#x003bc;m. |