魏春燕1, 邢永秀1,2,*, 莫遥1, 林丽2, 杨丽涛1,2,3, 胡春锦3, 李杨瑞1,2,3,*

Colonization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial StrainKlebsiellasp. DX120E Labeled with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Gene within Sugarcane Plants
WEI Chun-Yan1, XING Yong-Xiu1,2,*, MO Yao1, LIN Li2, YANG Li-Tao1,2,3, HU Chun-Jin3, LI Yang-Rui1,2,3,*
图2 不同接菌水平下甘蔗各组织中的DX120E细菌数量动态变化 A: 甘蔗品种B8根; B: 甘蔗品种B8地上部分; C: 甘蔗品种GT21根; D: 甘蔗品种GT21地上部分。图中数据为对数转换数据, 误差线示标准误。同一处理时间内, 标有不同字母的处理间在0.05水平差异显著。
Fig. 2 Population dynamics of strain DX120E bacteria in sugarcane tissues under ifferent inoculation levels A: roots of sugarcane variety B8; B: aerial part of sugarcane variety B8; C: roots of sugarcane variety GT21; D: aerial part of sugarcane variety GT21. Data present in the figures are the logarithmic transformation. Error bars in the figures indicate the standard errors. Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different among the treatments at 0.05 probability level at the same day.