魏春燕1, 邢永秀1,2,*, 莫遥1, 林丽2, 杨丽涛1,2,3, 胡春锦3, 李杨瑞1,2,3,*

Colonization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial StrainKlebsiellasp. DX120E Labeled with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Gene within Sugarcane Plants
WEI Chun-Yan1, XING Yong-Xiu1,2,*, MO Yao1, LIN Li2, YANG Li-Tao1,2,3, HU Chun-Jin3, LI Yang-Rui1,2,3,*
图4 以荧光显微镜观察克雷伯氏菌DX120E在甘蔗根和叶中的定殖 A: 对照未接菌根毛区; B: 标记菌株在根毛附近箭头大量聚集接种后1 d; C, D: 标记菌株在主根和侧根连接处聚集箭头并由边缘裂隙处箭头侵入根内接种后2 d; E: 标记菌株在侧根断裂处箭头聚集并由伤口进入根内接种后2 d; F: 标记菌株在主根的边缘处箭头大量聚集接种后2 d; G: 标记菌株在根表面边缘细胞内箭头定殖接种后15 d; H: 标记菌株从根边缘细胞的裂隙侵入根细胞内箭头并充满整个细胞接种15 d后; I: 标记菌株在主根的细胞间隙中箭头聚集和定殖接种后15 d; J: 对照叶片横切面; K, L: 标记菌株在叶片中的维管束细胞箭头和叶肉细胞中箭头的定殖接菌后15 d。叶片横切面图中bs表示维管束鞘, s表示厚角组织, m表示叶肉组织。比例尺示30 #cod#x003bc;m。接种浓度为1#cod#x000d7;10 8 CFU mL -1 。
Fig. 4 Fluorescent micrographs showing colonization of Klebsiella sp . DX120E in sugarcane roots and leaves A: root hair zone without inoculation; B: labeled bacteria DX120E accumulated near to the root hairs arrows in root hair zone one day after inoculation; C, D: labeled bacteria DX120E accumulated in the conjunction between tap lateral roots arrows, two days after inoculation; E: labeled bacteria DX120E accumulated in the wounded spot arrows and entered roots two days after inoculation; F: labeled bacteria DX120E accumulated next to the edge of main roots two days after inoculation; G: labeled bacteria DX120E propagated substantially inside the edge cell of root surface arrows, 15 days after inoculation; H: labeled bacteria DX120E invaded into cell from the cracks arrows and filled up the cell in root 15 days after inoculation; I: labeled bacteria DX120E accumulated and propagated in cell intervals arrows, 15 days after inoculation. J: transverse section of control leaf; K, L: labeled. bacteria DX120E propagated inside the vascular bundle sheath and mesophyll cells arrows, 15 days after inoculation. In the transverse section of leaf, bs indicates vascular buddle sheath, m indicates mesophyll, s indicates schlerenchyma. The scale is 30 #cod#x003bc;m, and the inoculation concentration was 1#cod#x000d7;10 8 CFU mL -1 .