郑华斌1,2, 姚林2,3, 刘建霞2,3, 贺慧2,3, 陈阳1,2, 黄璜1,2,*

Effect of Ridge & Terraced Cultivation on Rice Yield and Root Trait
ZHENG Hua-Bin1,2, YAO Lin2,3, LIU Jian-Xia2,3, HE Hui2,3, CHEN Yang1,2, HUANG Huang1,2,*
图2 不同种植方式对水稻群体干物质和叶面积指数的变化 MT: 分蘖期; PI: 幼穗分化期; FL: 齐穗期; FL+15: 齐穗后15 d; MA: 成熟期。其他缩写同表1。
Fig. 2 Variation of dry matter and leaf area index LAI under different cultivation models MT: mid-tillering; PI: panicle initiation; FL: full heading; FL+15: 15 days after full heading; MA: maturity stage. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.