徐恒恒1 , 黎妮2, 刘树君1, 王伟青1, 王伟平2, 张红1, 程红焱1, 宋松泉1,* |
Research Progress in Seed Germination and Its Control
XU Heng-Heng 1 , LI Ni 2, LIU Shu-Jun 1, WANG Wei-Qing 1, WANG Wei-Ping 2, ZHANG Hong 1, CHENG Hong-Yan 1, SONG Song-Quan 1,*
图1 水分吸收的时间进程以及一些重要的与萌发和早期幼苗生长有关的变化。 阶段I的吸胀作用主要是一种物理过程; 生理活性可能发生在细胞变为水合后的几分钟内, 所有的种子组织均处充分吸胀之前。在阶段II, 种子的含水量比较恒定, 代谢活性随着大量的新基因的转录增加。在阶段II的后期, 胚根突破周围结构标记着萌发的完成。在阶段III, 当幼苗建成和主要的贮藏物被利用时, 进一步吸收水分。图中的曲线是一条模式化的水分吸收的时间进程。完成这些事件所需要的时间随着物种和种子所受到的萌发条件而改变。根据Weitbrecht等 [ 2 ] 、Bewley等 [ 3 ] 和Nonogaki等 [ 6 ] 重绘。 Fig. 1 Time course of water uptake and some important changes associated with germination and early seedling growth Imbibition in phase I is primarily a physical process; physiological activities may commence within minutes of a cell becoming hydrated, well before all seed tissues become fully imbibed. During phase II, seed water content is fairly constant and metabolic activities increase with substantial transcription of new genes. Radicle emergence through the surrounding structures at the end of this phase II marks the completion of germination. In phase III, there is further uptake of water as the young seedling becomes established, utilizing the major stored reserves. The curve is a stylized time course for water uptake. The time taken for these events to be completed varies among species and the germination conditions to which the seed is subjected. Redrawn after Weitbrecht et al. [ 2 ] , Bewley et al. [ 3 ] , and Nonogaki et al. [ 6 ] |