桑贤春 , 徐芳芳, 朱小燕, 邢亚迪, 何沛龙, 张长伟, 杨正林, 何光华* |
Identification and Gene Fine Mapping of Early Senescent Leaf Mutantesl5 inOryza sativa
SANG Xian-Chun  , XU Fang-Fang, ZHU Xiao-Yan, XING Ya-Di, HE Pei-Long, ZHANG Chang-Wei, YANG Zheng-Lin, HE Guang-Hua *
图3 野生型WT和 esl5 剑叶的细胞结构 A: 野生型剑叶细胞, 内含正常的细胞器; B: esl5 剑叶细胞, 细胞器部分降解箭头1或完全降解箭头2; C: 野生型剑叶的叶绿体, 内含正常的叶绿体膜和基质片层; D: esl5 剑叶的叶绿体, 叶绿体膜破裂箭头3, 基质片层疏松、排列不规则箭头4。 Fig. 3 Cell structure of flag leaf in the wild type and the esl5 A: cell structure of the flag leaf containing normal organelles in the wild type; B: cell structure of the senescent flag leaf in the esl5 , partially and entirely damaged organelles were marked by arrow 1 and arrow 2, respectively; C: chloroplast with normal membrane, granum and stroma lamella in the flag leaf of wild type; D: chloroplast with destroyed membrane arrow 3, loose granum and irregular stroma lamella arrow 4 in the flag leaf of esl5 . |