褚光1 , 周群1, 薛亚光1,3, 颜晓元2, 刘立军1, 杨建昌1,* |
Effects of Cultivation Patterns on Root Morph-physiological Traits and Aboveground Development ofJaponica Hybrid Rice Cultivar Changyou 5
CHU Guang 1 , ZHOU Qun 1, XUE Ya-Guang 1,3, YAN Xiao-Yuan 2, LIU Li-Jun 1, YANG Jian-Chang 1,*
图3 不同栽培模式下的水稻在不同生育时期根长A, B、根直径C, D和比根长E, F MT: 分蘖中期; PI: 穗分化始期; HD: 抽穗期; MA: 成熟期。缩写同表1。 Fig. 3 Root length A, B, diameter per root C, D, and special root length E, F under different cultivation patterns in rice at different growth stages MT: mid tillering; PI: panicle initiation; HD: heading time; MA: maturity. Abbreviations correspond with those given in Table 1. |