罗俊杰1 , 欧巧明1,* , 叶春雷1, 王方1, 王镛臻2, 陈玉梁1,* |
Comprehensive Valuation of Drought Resistance and Screening of Indices of Important Flax Cultivars
LUO Jun-Jie 1 , OU Qiao-Ming 1,* , YE Chun-Lei 1, WANG Fang 1, WANG Yong-Zhen 2, CHEN Yu-Liang 1,*
图2 胡麻生育期不同土层深的土壤水分变化 T1: 干旱胁迫处理; T2: 正常灌溉处理。不同字母不同处理及测定时段同一土层深度间表示在0.05水平显著小写字母或在0.01水平极显著大写字母。 Fig. 2 Soil moisture changes of different depth in different seasons of flax growth period T1: drought-stress treatments; T2: irrigated treatments. Lowercases capitals alove the lans show significant difference at 0.05 0.01 probability levels among same soil depth under different treatments and measured periods. |