艾治勇1, 郭夏宇1, 刘文祥1, 马国辉1, 青先国2,* |
Changes of Safe Production Dates of Double-season Rice in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
AI Zhi-Yong 1, GUO Xia-Yu 1, LIU Wen-Xiang 1, MA Guo-Hui 1, QING Xian-Guo 2,*
图4 长江中游晚稻安全齐穗期变化倾向率分布 A: 杂交籼稻; B: 常规籼稻。 Fig. 4 Distribution of change trend rate of safe full heading date for late-season rice in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River A: hybrid indica rice; B: inbred indica rice. |