罗巧玲1,4, 郑琪2, 许云峰1, 李立会3, 韩方普2, 许红星1, 李滨2, 马朋涛1, 安调过1,* |
Main Agronomic Traits of 390 Wheat-Rye Derivatives and GISH/FISH Identification of Their Outstanding Materials
LUO Qiao-Ling 1,4, ZHENG Qi 2, XU Yun-Feng 1, LI Li-Hui 3, HAN Fang-Pu 2, XU Hong-Xing 1, LI Bin 2, MA Peng-Tao 1, AN Diao-Guo 1,*
图2 8份小麦-黑麦种质材料的GISH和mc-FISH鉴定 A~F依次为小麦-黑麦种质材料R1103、R1162、R2203、R2221、R1147和R1156。A1~F1是以黑麦基因组DNA为探针绿色, 中国春基因组DNA为封阻的GISH鉴定结果, 其中B1和D1中的十字星号示无端带的2条黑麦染色体, C1和D1中的箭头示1对黑麦的小染色体。 A2~F2是以重复序列p A s1 红色和p S c119.2 绿色为探针的mc-FISH鉴定结果, C2和D2中的问号示不能确定归属的染色体。 Fig. 2 Identification of GISH and mc-FISH of eight wheat-rye derivatives A-F are wheat-rye derivatives R1103, R1162, R2203, R2221, R1147, and R1156, respectively. A1-F1 are GISH results with rye genomic DNA as a probe green and Chinese Spring DNA as a blocker. The cross stars in B1 and D1 show the two rye chromosomes without GISH binding pattern, and the arrows in C1 and D1 show a pair of small rye chromosomes. A2-F2 are mc-FISH results on the same metaphase after GISH analysis by p A s1 red and p S c119.2 green simultaneously. The question marks in C2 and D2 show the undetermined chromosomes. |