杨帆1, 陈其皎1,2, 高翔1,2,* , 赵万春1,2,* , 强琴琴1, 吴丹1, 孟敏1 |
Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression andin vitro Functional Analysis of α-Gliadin Genes fromDasypyrum villosum
YANG Fan 1, CHEN Qi-Jiao 1,2, GAO Xiang 1,2,* , ZHAO Wan-Chun 1,2,* , JIANG Qin-Qin 1, WU Dan 1, MENG Min 1
图2 #cod#x003b1;-醇溶蛋白基因推导氨基酸序列分析 A: 43条推导氨基酸序列的毒性多肽位点和分类, 粗线框示毒性多肽位点, 虚线框示不同类型的#cod#x003b1;-醇溶蛋白。B: #cod#x003b1;-醇溶蛋白的结构及二硫键模式, N端重复区N-terminal存在毒性多肽位点, 多聚谷氨酰胺II区Q II存在QQLQQ多肽序列, 星号*示半胱氨酸残基的位置。C: 不同物种#cod#x003b1;-醇溶蛋白在多聚谷氨酰胺I区和II区中谷氨酰胺残基数量的变异, 误差线表示标准差。1: 一年生簇毛麦, n = 43; 2: 普通小麦, n =26; 3: 粗山羊草, n = 16; 4: 一粒小麦, n = 15; 5: 二粒小麦, n = 17 ; 6: 黑麦, n = 17; 7: 拟斯卑尔脱山羊草, n = 7; 8: 稃旱麦草, n = 7。 Fig. 2 Deduced amino acid sequence analysis of #cod#x003b1;-gliadin genes A: T-cell stimulatory epitopes and classification of 43 #cod#x003b1;-gliadin amino acid sequences, thick frames indicate T-cell stimulatory epitopes, dot line frames indicate different types of #cod#x003b1;-gliadins. B: Schematic structure of #cod#x003b1;-gliadin and intra-molecular disulfide bonds, T-cell stimulatory epitopes existed in the N-terminal, QQLQQ existed in the Q II, * indicates the positions of cysteine residue. C: Variations in mean number of glutamine residues in the polyglutamine domains Q I and Q II of #cod#x003b1;-gliadins among different species. Error bars show the standard deviations, 1: Dasypyrum villosum , n = 43; 2: Triticum aestivum , n = 26; 3: Aegilops tauschii , n = 16; 4: Triticum monococcum , n = 15; 5: Triticum d i coccoides , n = 17; 6: Secale cereale , n = 17; 7: Aegilops speltoides , n = 7; 8: Er e mopyrum bonaepartis , n = 7. |