史春艳, 申家恒*, 李伟

Double Fertilization and Duration of Phases in Peanut (Arachis hgpogaeaL.)
SHI Chun-Yan, SHEN Jia-Heng*, LI Wei
图版I、II和III中的缩写 图版I、II和III中的缩写 DSY: 退化助细胞; EC: 卵细胞; PN: 极核; PT: 花粉管; SY: 助细胞; ZY: 合子; SP: 精子; SN: 精核; SEN: 次生核; MN: 雄性核仁; PEN: 初生胚乳核; GC: 生殖细胞; TCP: 二细胞原胚; PSY: 宿存助细胞; FNE: 胚乳游离核; VN: 营养核; MP: 有丝分裂前期; MM: 有丝分裂中期; MA: 有丝分裂后期; MT: 有丝分裂末期。
Abbreviations in Plates I, II, and III DSY: degenerated synergid; EC: egg cell; PN: polar nucleus; PT: pollen tude; SY: synergid; ZY: zygote; SP: sperm; SN: sperm nucleus; SEN: secondary endosperm nucleus; MN: male nucleolus; PEN: primary endosperm nucleus; GC: generative cell; TCP: two-cell proembryo; PSY: persistent synergid; FNE: the free nuclei of the endosperm; VN: vegetative nucleus; MP: mitosis prophase; MM: mitosis metaphase; MA: mitosis anaphase; MT: mitosis telophase.