张英华 , 杨佑明, 曹莲, 郝杨凡, 黄菁, 李金鹏, 姚得秀, 王志敏* |
Effect of High Temperature on Photosynthetic Capability and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity of Flag Leaf and Non-leaf Organs in Wheat
ZHANG Ying-Hua  , YANG You-Ming, CAO Lian, HAO Yang-Fan, HUANG Jing, LI Jin-Peng, YAO De-Xiu, WANG Zhi-Min *
图4 河农341和石家庄8号高温处理和对照不同器官抗氧化酶活性变化2011-2012 HN: 河农341; SJZ: 石家庄8号; HT: 高温处理; CK: 正常温度。A1~C1: 旗叶; A2~C2: 叶鞘; A3~C3: 穗下节; A4~C4: 颖片; A5~C5: 籽粒。高温处理为花后第8~22天, 处理后恢复常温生长, 取样日为花后第8、第12、第15、第18、第23和第26天。 Fig. 4 Changes of antioxidant enzyme activity in different organs of Henong 341 and Shijiazhuang 8 under high and normal temperatures 2011-2012 HN: Henong 341; SJZ: Shijiazhuang 8; HT: High temperature; CK: normal temperature. A1-C1: flag leaf; A2-C2: sheath; A3-C3: peduncle; A4-C4: glume; A5-C5: grain. Wheat plants recovered normal growth temperature after the high temperature treatment from the 8th to the 22nd day after anthesis, and the sampling days were the 8th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 23rd, and 26th day after anthesis. |