刘波1 , 李英慧1, 于佰双2, 王家军2, 刘玉林1, 常汝镇1, 邱丽娟1,* |
Genetic Analysis of Immunity to Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 3 in Elite Line Zhongpin 03-5373
LIU Bo 1 , LI Ying-Hui 1, YU Bai-Shuang 2, WANG Jia-Jun 2, LIU Yu-Lin 1, CHANG Ru-Zhen 1, QIU Li-Juan 1,*
图2 中品03-5373和中黄13衍生的RIL家系对大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种抗性的分布 以胞囊指数计算RIL家系数。箭头表示亲本平均数。 Fig. 2 Distribution for resistance to SCN3 in RIL population derived from the cross of Zhongpin 03-5373 and Zhonghuang 13 The number of RIL lines was counted by the femal index scale. Means of female InDel of Zhongpin 03-5373 and Zhonghuang 13 are shown by arrows. |