温娟1, 许剑锋1, 龙艳2, 徐海明1, 孟金陵2, 吴建国3,*, 石春海1,*

QTL Mapping and Analysis Based on Embryo and Maternal Genetic Systems for Semi-Essential Amino Acid Contents in Rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.)
WEN Juan1, XU Jian-Feng1, LONG Yan2, XU Hai-Ming1, MENG Jin-Ling2, WU Jian-Guo3,*, SHI Chun-Hai1,*
图1 油菜籽丝氨酸、胱氨酸和酪氨酸含量的QTL在染色体上的位置及其遗传效应
Fig. 1 Positions cM and the genetic effects of QTLs for serine, cystine, and tyrosine contents in the chromosomes of rapeseed