津田芜菁泛素化相关蛋白基因 BrRUB1的克隆及表达分析
闫海芳*, 王斐, 李桥, 李鸿昌, 杨虎城

Cloning and Expression Analysis of Ubiquitin-Related Protein Gene BrRUB1 in Brassica rapa L. cv. Tsuda
YAN Hai-Fang*, WANG Fei, LI Qiao, LI Hong-Chang, YANG Hu-Cheng
图2 BrRUB1进化树分析 用1000个重复进行BootStrap检验, 可信度超过25%的在接点部位标出。
Fig. 2 BrRUB1 phylogenetic tree The numbers next to the nods indicate bootstrap values of more than 25% support from 1000 replicates.