田晓雅, 刘欣, 王强盛*, 蒋琪, 冯金侠, 张慧, 丁艳锋

Effects of Brassinosteroids on Photosynthetic Matter, Nitrogen Accumulation and Use Efficiency during Grain Filling Stage of Hybrid Japonica
TIAN Xiao-Ya, LIU Xin, WANG Qiang-Sheng*, JIANG Qi, FENG Jin-Xia, ZHANG Hui, DING Yan-Feng
油菜素甾醇对杂交粳稻灌浆期不同部位NSC和氮素含量的影响缩写同 表2 和 表5 。Abbreviations are the same as those given in Tables 2 and 5.