张红梅1 , 李海朝2, 文自翔2, 顾和平1, 袁星星1, 陈华涛1, 崔晓艳1, 陈新1,* , 卢为国2,* |
Identification of QTL Associated with Vitamin E Content in Soybean Seeds
ZHANG Hong-Mei 1 , LI Hai-Chao 2, WEN Zi-Xiang 2, GU He-Ping 1, YUAN Xing-Xing 1, CHEN Hua-Tao 1, CUI Xiao-Yan 1, CHEN Xin 1,* , LU Wei-Guo 2,*
图1 以MCIM法检测出大豆维生素E的QTL在连锁图上的 位置 椭圆: α-生育酚QTL; 方框: γ-生育酚QTL; 三角: δ-生育酚QTL; 菱形: VE含量QTL; 直线: 相连的2个加性QTL间有互作。 Fig. 1 Locations of QTL for vitamin E contents detected by MCIM in soybean linkage map Oval: QTL for α-Toc; Square: QTL for γ-Toc; Triangle: QTL for δ-Toc; Rhombus: QTL for total vitamin E contents. Line: joining two additive QTLs represent epistatic interactions between them. |