马春雷1,2 , 姚明哲1, 王新超1, 金基强1,2, 马建强1, 陈亮1,* |
Cloning and Expression of Three Genes Involved in Chlorophyll Biosynthesis at Different Albescent Stages of Tea Plant Variety “Baiye 1”
MA Chun-Lei 1,2 , YAO Ming-Zhe 1, WANG Xin-Chao 1, JIN Ji-Qiang 1,2, MA Jian-Qiang 1, CHEN Liang 1,*
图7 茶树谷氨酸-tRNA还原酶、叶绿素合酶和叶绿素酸醋氧化酶的系统进化分析 Vitis vinifera : 葡萄; Citrus clementina : 克莱门柚; Cucumis sativus : 黄瓜; Mimulus guttatus : 玄参科猴面花; Glycine max : 黄豆; Solanum tuberosum : 马铃薯; Theobroma cacao : 可可; Populus trichocarpa : 杨树; Cicer arietinum : 鹰嘴豆; Eucalyptus grandis : 巨桉; Phaseolus vulgaris : 芸豆; Arabidopsis thaliana : 拟南芥; Brachypodium distachyon : 二穗短柄草; Setaria italica : 谷子; Ricinus communis : 蓖麻; Oryza brachyantha : 短花药野生稻。 Fig. 7 Phylogenetic tree of the deduced amino acid sequence of GluTR , ChlS , and CAO from different species |